USD/INR Currency Converter

A simple free tool for live conversions from USD to INR right before you make any transfer pricing payments

a white circle with a minus symbol on it
Our fees
Amount we convert
a green circle with a white background
Awaiting input
Live mid-market rate
a white circle with a minus symbol on it
0.25% (25 bps)
Our FX markup fee
a white circle with a blue x on it
Awaiting input
Conversion rate
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Disclaimer: The conversion rate may vary depending on the exact time of transaction.

How does this currency converter work?

We fetch live mid-market FX rate & deduct the FX markup of 0.25% (25 basis points) on US to India fund transfers through Inkle TP Payments.


Input payable amount in USD

Simply type in the box how much you want to convert.


Get receivable amount in INR

View the current rate and how much you'll receive in INR