BEA's benchmark survey of foreign direct investment in the United States.
Deadline for this form has passed. Contact us if you've missed the deadline.

What is BE-12?
It is a mandatory survey conducted by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) to collect data on foreign direct investment in the US.
All US businesses with foreign ownership should complete this to ensure a comprehensive and accurate view of foreign investment data.
Mandatory for
U.S. businesses in which a foreign person or entity owns or controls more than 10% of the voting securities.
The possible penalties for not filing can be civilpenalties of:
- $2,500 to $25,000
- A criminal penalty of $10,000.
BE-12 is a survey conducted by the Bureau of Economic Analysis every five years to collect data on foreign investment in the US. US businesses with foreign ownership or control must participate.
May 31 or June 30, 2023, for eFiling.
In 2022, all companies that have foreign ownership or interests exceeding 10% at the end of the year are required to submit BE-12. This requirement applies to e-commerce platforms involved in digital product distribution as well as partnerships that hold real estate for non-personal purposes.
Still have questions?
Reach out to our support team if you have any additional questions regarding filing.